A building is a structure built for living as a shelter or for work, which divides the environment into two parts, inside and outside. All jobs, suppliers, and executives in this field are called the construction industry. The construction industry is one of the infrastructure sectors of a country. With the activation of this section of society, other industries have also entered the boom in parallel and can create thousands of jobs. On the other hand, because the building is directly related to human lives, the construction
and completion of a building is not the end of the story and should be constantly reviewed and repaired when needed. In general, it can be said that the building is primarily designed, built, and used as a shelter and security, living space, privacy, to store assets and comfort of human life.
In the construction industry, one of the essential parts of any building is the type of materials. The lifespan of each building in the city depends on the quality of materials used in construction. Depending on the kind of use of the building and the cost that is considered, the type of materials used is different. Building materials are any material used to build a building and its equipment. Since a building is used as a place of comfort and safety for every person, its quality construction is of great importance.

The above topics cover a wide range of products with different uses. The technology used in this startup is related to one of the above applications called nanotechnology in the manufacture of surface coatings. When nanotechnology is used as a coating, the physical and chemical properties of the surface change and improve in proportion to the nanoparticles used. Some of the properties that can be changed by using this type of coating are anti-corrosion, air purifier, self-cleaning, fireproof, increase resistance, hydrophobic, etc