Where you can use this type of doors ?

Folding doors are very comfortable and beautiful and are suitable for the entrance of all places that have the necessary space.

Since the automatic folding door is the only electric door that provides the largest opening width to the user, that is why it is used in centers such as hospitals, factories, banks and commercial centers. These types of doors are also used as balcony doors.

How the automatic folding door works

Today, in all projects that require maximum opening but require the least occupied space when the automatic door opens, their only option is automatic folding.
This electric door works in two-way and one-way modes, and the way it works when opening is that two slats connected to each other are bent from the middle (exactly in the shape of the forearm and arm that bends from the elbow) and It is placed in a corner. This way of opening and closing in this type of door has made it occupy a maximum of 10 cm from a 100 cm space and the rest of the space is open for people to pass through.
This amount of space occupation is not seen in any of the types of automatic glass doors available in the market, which has made this system work and is unique in terms of efficiency and solves a big problem for employers.


Beautiful and comfortable